
15 March 2013

For the Love of Blogs

I love browsing blogs.  I love ALL kinds of blogs- mom blogs, style blogs, fashion blogs, craft blogs, food blogs, blogs with lots of writing and blogs with mostly images, blogs written by young, urban singles and blogs written by homemaking country dwellers.  All this blog hopping often has me wanting to be a better mom, dresser, crafter, cook, baker, home decorator, writer, photographer while relocating to the inner city with a weekend home in the country.  All of which has me paralyzed and dazed in front of my computer not sure who I am or where to begin...accomplishing...anything.

Most of the time, however, it is fun to read others experiences and be inspired by new ideas, recipes or even just eye candy.  I found a blog called Eat Drink Chic.  It is a cool design blog hosted by a graphic designer.  My last visit to her blog had me linking to a website called Typo and another called NoteMaker, both perfect for fueling my paper obsession.

While browsing the assortment of notebooks and NoteMaker, I had to laugh.  There is a search that allows you to narrow down what you are looking for.  First is brand.  Well, I don't want to limit myself since I am not familiar with any of the brands listed so I choose ALL BRANDS.  Next comes size.  What size?  Not just small, medium and large, which would be distressing enough.  No!  Those three standards are joined by pocket and extra large.  Don't even look at the options for your cover.  And then there is the debate over ruled or unlined which is actually not a debate for me.  I am too much of an anal perfectionist.  I need those lines to make me feel safe.  So I choose ALL on every option, except ruled and am completely overwhelmed by notebooks.  Of course, this is the first and last notebook I will ever buy.  I am marrying the notebook just like I marry my hair color and coffee creamer.  Then I shake myself back to reality.  An intervention of sorts occurs.  "M'am, step away from the notebook website!"  You aren't even really going to buy one of these, Dina!  You would never buy a notebook you couldn't see and touch in person.

You can see the fun of browsing through blogs.  How else can you feel completely inadequate, totally inspired and in need of an intervention to stop your hyperventilating without leaving the comforts of home all in one afternoon?


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